The Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights works to eliminate racial discrimination and harassment and to promote racial justice across Scotland.

Left to right: Sandra Deslandes-Clark, CRER Vice-Chair, E. Tendayi Achiume, UN Special Rapporteur on racism, and Parveen Khan, CRER Chair

Left to right: Sandra Deslandes-Clark, CRER Vice-Chair, E. Tendayi Achiume, UN Special Rapporteur on racism, and Parveen Khan, CRER Chair

 Our key mission is to:

  • Protect, enhance and promote the rights of  Black/minority ethnic communities across all areas of life in Scotland; and

  • Strengthen the social, economic and political capital of Black/minority ethnic communities, especially those at greatest risk of disadvantage.

We do this by working to four key objectives:

  • Engaging with Public Sector organisations - helping to ensure that public bodies in Scotland effectively mainstream race and other areas of equality and human rights in all aspects of their policy development, strategic planning, employment and service provision functions.

  • Advocating for race equality and human rights - engaging with and influencing the local, national and wider agendas that impact upon race and other equality and human rights issues, including through evidence based policy, research and sharing good practice.

  • Working with Black/minority ethnic communities to secure and enjoy their rights across all areas of life - promoting their voices and aspirations across Scotland.

  • Promoting race and rights education in the wider community - undertaking a range of activities (including training as appropriate) and enlisting widespread public support for anti-racism, community cohesion and the protection of human rights.

CRER takes a rights-based approach, promoting relevant international, regional, and national human rights and equality conventions and legislation.


CRER takes a strategic approach to anti-racism, working mostly with organisations rather than individuals, but everyone can get involved. Our policy and research work highlights the evidence on racial inequalities faced by minority ethnic people in Scotland. We aim to change the structures that underpin racism and racial inequality, and we need all the help we can get to spread the message.

  • Share our publications and resources with decision makers at your organisation, school, university or college

  • Follow us on Twitter and Facebook

  • Sign up for email updates to hear about our events, publications and resources

    Whilst we don't actively fundraise from individual donors, we can accept financial donations through PayPal. These donations go towards our unrestricted funds, which are used to pay for a wide range of things we don’t have other funding for. This might include, for example, commissioning research, making up for any shortfalls in our core funding, equipment, event costs or design and publication costs. If you are interested in supporting the work of CRER financially, you can donate to the organisation by clicking here

Please note that we don’t provide individual services. If you would rather make a donation to a local charity working directly with individuals and you're based in Glasgow, you can find a range of these in our Directory of Glasgow BME Organisations.